Thanks For Caring About My Success / By Cesar Morales
Author: gatelesis
Looking back on a 29-year career in aviation, I am reminded of all the people I met along the way, but especially of those certain individuals who went that extra mile to help me advance my career and ultimately, land where I am today. From my very first role in aviation, working on the dismantling of a DC-8, I have focused on learning and soaking up knowledge like a sponge. And along with that enthusiasm, came mentors who took the time to teach me, push me and remind me to strive to be the best I could be.
I can point to two very specific leaders who took me under their respective wings, not because they had to, because they wanted to. Now, to be clear, it wasn’t always fun and games with them, they were “old school”, the tough-love type of mentors that you almost hate while working for them, but inside you know why they are tough. The type that only offered an opportunity to learn and be successful but left the responsibility up to me to make the most of it. To this day I am still friends with both of them and although they would most likely never admit it, I know in my heart that they are proud of all I have achieved.
As part of the leadership team at GA Telesis, I feel that I have an obligation to pay this forward. Like my mentors who worked with me when I was developing my career, I have a responsibility to help my team achieve their goals and to make the most of the opportunities that GA Telesis affords them. We all have different career goals and it is inherently obvious that in life, different things make different people happy. But one thing is for sure, we all appreciate when people we work for care for us. And that is what a mentor is, someone, not who cares if you succeed, but who cares enough to see that you succeed. Recently, my wife sent me a Chinese proverb that inspired me to write this blog.
Chinese Proverb
“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
I am very grateful for the help and guidance I have received along the way from family, friends, colleagues and bosses. To all of you, I offer my most sincere gratitude. However, I want to give special recognition to Dwayne and Doug! Gentlemen, the two of you inspired me and took the time to mold me into what I have become. Better yet, you have inspired me to pay it forward and to make sure that I afford my team the same level of guidance and commitment to succeed that you did me. Thus, it is my hope that I can leave a lasting impression on their lives as the two of you have on mine. Thank you!