GA Telesis Flight Solutions Group Receives Chinese CAMAC Certificate of Civil Aircraft Parts Distributor / GA Telesis 获得CAMAC颁发的航材分销商证书
March 24, 2021 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – GA Telesis, LLC (“GAT”) announces it has been granted a Certificate of Civil Aircraft Parts Distributor from the Civil Aviation Maintenance Association of China (“CAMAC”). This marks GA Telesis as the first foreign entity to receive the highly coveted CAMAC certification, allowing GAT to sell and lease civil aviation parts, both new and used, in China. 2021年3月24日-佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡–GA Telesis有限责任公司(“GAT”)宣布获得中国民用航空维修协会(“CAMAC”)颁发的航材分销商证书。意味着GA Telesis成为第一个获得备受期待的CAMAC证书的中国境外公司,让GAT能够在中国销售和租赁航材,包括新件和使用过的件。 This certificate’s award is a testament to the… Read more