Press Releases

GA Telesis Announces the Purchase of Five (5) CF6-80C2B1F Engines from Atlas Air
Author: gatelesis
March 26, 2020 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – GA Telesis, LLC (“GAT”) announces closing on the purchase of five (5) General Electric CF6-80C2B1F engines from Atlas Air (“Atlas”).
GAT completed the acquisition of five (5) General Electric CF6-80C2B1F engines for part-out that will be immediately inducted for disassembly. The resulting used serviceable material (USM) will be directed towards GA Telesis’ CF6 airline and MRO customer base, including GA Telesis Engine Services (GATES). These engines will allow for increased access to engine USM, which will help reduce the costs of heavy jet engine maintenance for airlines worldwide. In these turbulent times, GAT remains focused on growing and providing continuity of cost-saving solutions for its airline and MRO customers.
“As the world’s premier cargo airline, Atlas has been and continues to be an outstanding partner for GA Telesis as a customer of our Engine, Composite and Component MRO Services units as well as a significant buyer of used serviceable spare components from our Component Solutions Group. We are very pleased to complete this transaction to expand our business activity with Atlas, even during these challenging times,” commented Marc Cho, President of GA Telesis’ Leasing Investment Financing & Trading (LIFT) Group.
GA Telesis CEO Abdol Moabery commented, “While these are very unprecedented times for the aviation industry, GA Telesis is proud to be a leader in the industry with never-ending support of its worldwide airline and MRO customer base.”
About GA Telesis
LIFT is the group within the GA Telesis Ecosystem™ responsible for Leasing, Investments, Finance & Trading through its business units ATG, LFG, and CMG. The Asset Transaction Group (ATG) engages in aircraft and engine leasing and trading. The Leveraged Financing Group (LFG) is a direct lending platform that provides senior debt, sub-debt and uni-tranche financing solutions for lessors, investors, and airlines. The Capital Management Group (CMG) oversees the management of third-party investor capital, including the GAIN 1 and 2 vehicle.
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