Press Releases

GA Telesis Engine Services Oy (“GATES”) Appoints Jukka Laurila, Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer
Author: gatelesis
Helsinki, Finland – June 5, 2018 – Leading commercial jet engine MRO provider, GA Telesis Engine Services Oy (“GATES”) announced the appointment of Jukka Laurila as Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Jukka will manage MRO service operations and act as the accountable manager for regulatory purposes.
Jukka is a transport industry professional with more than 20 years in the sector specializing in airline, network and fleet management. He joins GATES from Jet Time A/S, a Danish airline operating a fleet of Boeing 737NG aircraft, where he served as Managing Director of Jet Time Oy in Finland. Prior to his successful tenure at Jet Time, he held key positions at Bombardier and Blue1 Oy, a Finnish airline based in Helsinki, Finland. Jukka is assuming the responsibilities of Carsten Holm. Carsten Holm has been appointed the GATES Chief Commercial Officer.
Jukka will be responsible for continuing to drive GATES’ operational results and overall productivity to enhance the company’s market positioning through use of lean practices and significant technological enhancements through capital investment.
“We are extremely pleased to have Jukka join our GATES Team,” expressed Basil Papayoti, President of GATES, “Jukka has been tasked with some aggressive growth and performance targets and complements the organization’s current leadership through his airline and fleet management experience.”
About GA Telesis Engine Services
GA Telesis Engine Services (GATES) is a wholly owned, full-service engine overhaul and repair station based in Helsinki, Finland operating under FAA, EASA, CAAC, TCCA and GACA approval. The facility is conveniently located on the Helsinki International Airport property in Vantaa, Finland. GATES is a fully integrated subsidiary of GA Telesis offering customers a seamless engine solution that combines high quality repair and overhaul services as well as world class supply-chain services. The facility operates out of a 180,000 square foot (~18,000 square meter) building that also houses an integrated engine test cell and hi-tech back-shop capabilities. The company has capability to provide repair and overhaul services for the CFM56-5B, CFM56-7B models and all the CF6-80C2 engine variants.
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